CCC clinicians have been embedded in the first responder community and have in depth understanding of the culture. Given the nature of the work, these professionals are repeatedly exposed to traumatic events that can over time have a significant impact on an individuals mental health, relationships and ability to effectively service. It is not uncommon for law enforcement, EMS, fire, corrections and others to avoid mental health care for fear of ridicule, loss of respect or even fear of losing their jobs. This stigma can lead devastating situations for first responders and their families. CCC clinicians have the advantage of being side by side with many first responders, helping clinicians to provide culturally competent care. CCC is also contracted with multiple law enforcement agencies to provide EAP care.
CCC is available to area Police Departments to assist in the development of their Crisis Intervention Teams. CCC will work with the department to structure services that meet the needs of the community, not only providing the department with a clinician and resources, but also assistance in connecting officers to DMH funded CIT training. CCC also offers supplemental training on a variety of mental health related topics to include, mental health awareness, how to recognize and manage a mental health crisis, S12 execution and documentation as well as officer wellness. Please contact the office for more information on these services.
We are currently providing 40 hours of clinical coverage to the Worcester Police Department. The bulk of our time is spent providing co-response and follow up services. We responds to calls for service for any mental health related call to include altered mental status calls, requests for clinical support or service navigation, S12s, check on the welfare, elder services calls, etc. We also provide follow up services for those referred by route officers who suspect mental health needs as well as for community members who were recently hospitalized to ensure that they were provided referrals for ongoing community based care. We also provide more specialized, individualized care for those identified as high risk by developing CIT care plans that provide more detail and support for those identified. We are also part of the Crisis Negotiation Team, responding to all call outs and team trainings. We also assist with individuals identified with dual diagnosis needs referred by our CIT officer assigned to our SUD team with APW, as well as requests from QOL to assist their team with individuals in need. The Department also calls on us to assist in officer training as needed.